Saturday, March 20, 2010


My blog is once again alive . (:
I spend my time happily at St James on Thursday
but some ass don't allow me to go clubbing ):
And xiaozhu & co. forgotten to take photo. Argh.
Its was fun after all. Catching 'How to train
your dragon' tomorrow. (: Meeting my Darling
tomorrow and I'm going to throw my bi aside .
If he saw this I think he is going to
tie me up already. haha.

I think i failed badly as a girlfriend to you.
I didn't accompany you when you need me the
most and left you alone. I still have the mood
to enjoy myself while you're upset. I didn't
did what I promise, I break my promise again
and again but you trusted me. All i can do now
is to be good girl in school. But its okay for me
to bully and abuse my boyfriend. haha.